
AP Networt News

(((2003. 6. 25. Wednesday - former part)))

AP Network News. I'm Tim McGuire.

While some call it a landmark decision, many college administrators don’t think the supreme court’s split decision on the University of Michigan’s affirmative action programs will have much impact. The high court has upheld the law school admission policy while striking down its point system for admitting undergraduates. Terence Pell is with the Center for Individual Rights, a group that challenged the school’s programs.
--- The days of race norm grids, of bonus point systems, separate admissions tracks are over for all schools, but they’re especially over at the undergraduate colleges.
Marisa de Mayo with the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund says the court’s decision certifies diversity.
--- The court made the right decision in concluding that diversity is critical to all higher education students. Inclusion of Latinos as the nation’s largest minority group in universities is really essential to our country’s future.

(이종인의 듣기일기)
Affirmative Action(차별철폐조치)에 대해 법정이 지지판결을 내렸다고 합니다. divided Supreme Court에서 미국 내 대학에서 특정학과에 대해 인종에 따른 학생선별이 가능하도록 해주었습니다. 대법원은 월요일 판결에서, 다양성이 확보된 교실에서 훌륭한 시민이나 강력한 지도자가 탄생한다고 말했습니다. 이번 판결은 5대4로 다수표를 얻었는데, 법관 Sandra Day O'Connor은 판결문에서 지도자로 가는 길은 인종이나 종족을 불문하고 재주 있고 자격을 갖춘 개인에게 열려야 한다고 밝혔습니다. 이번 법원 판결은 미국의 고등교육에 있어 affirmative action program이 어떻게 운용될 것인가에 대한 roadmap을 보여준 것이라고 평가합니다. ###split decision###이란 것이 다음 문장의 law school admission은 지지하면서도 학부생 입학에 대한 point system은 철폐하려고 하는지에 대한 분리된 결정을 말하는 듯한데요.... ###미국 교육제도에 대해서는 잘 모르겠지만 신문에 검색되는 것만 소개하겠습니다. ###quota system ---> 예를 들어 의과대학에서 일정수의 백인 학생들은 제외시키고 빈 자리를 소수인종에게 배분하는 제도. ###bonus point system### 소수인종 입학지원자에게 20 point 보너스를 자동 부여하는 제도.

(김진희의 듣기일기)
Well, some call it a landmark decision. Many collage administrators don’t think the Supreme Court puts the decision on the university of Michigan’s affirmative action program will have much impact. The high court upheld law school admission policy, striking down its point system for many undergraduates. Tenlern spell from the Senate for individual right group challenges the school’s program.
- (( )) a bonus point system separated admission tracks, are over for all schools, they’re especially over at the undergraduate collages.
Marisa de Mayo with the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund says the court decision certifies the diversity.
- The court made right decision in concluding that the diversity is so critical to all higher education students. Inclusion of Latinos as the nation’s largest minority group in universities is really essential to our country’s future.

Affirmative action ‘소수민족 우대정책’이죠? 고등교육 부문에서 다양성 추구라는 명목 아래 행해진 소수민족 우대정책은 소수민족 학생의 입학시 가산점 내지는 이와 유사한 혜택을 주었고, 이것이 위헌이라는 의견과 맞부딪쳤습니다. 법원은 대학입학의 point system 폐지를 결정했지만, law school 의 입학제도는 지지했네요. ‘the days of race norm grids’를 어떻게 해석해야 하나요?

The supreme court has ruled in favor of a law that says libraries must install blocking filters to keep children away from pornographic websites if they want to get federal funding. Jay Sekulow with, the chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, says the legislation that was upheld by the court goes beyond protecting the right of free speech.
--- If someone has a legitimate research need for material on the Internet that might be deemed to be inappropriate, they can ask for it to be disabled. But remember, obscenity and pornography is not constitutionally protected speech to begin with, so people should not be asking for access to obscenity and pornography.
Librarians and civil liberties groups that challenged the law say the filters amount to censorship.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
The supreme court has ruled in favor of a law that says libraries must install blocking filters to keep children away from pornographic websites. They want to get federal funding. Jay Sekulow with, the chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, says the legislation that was upheld by the court goes beyond protecting the right of free speech.
--- Someone has a legitimate research need for material on the Internet that might be deemed to be appropriate. They can ask for it to be disabled. But remember, ?? and pornography is not constitutionally protected speech to begin with, so people should not be asking for access to ?? and pornography.
Librarians and civil liberties groups that challenged the law say the filters amount to censorship.

미국 도서관들이 외설, 포르노 웹사이트의 접속을 차단하는 프로그램을 장치해야 할 것 같습니다. 그래야 먹고 사는데도 지장 없겠네요. 한쪽에서는 검열이라고 주장하고 있네요. *** 1. ~ pornographic websites if they want to ~ 와 if someone has a legitimate ~: if 모두 못 들었습니다. 2. ~ that might be deemed to be inappropriate: inappropriate을 못 들었습니다. 무뎌진 귀가 언제쯤 날카로워질지 모르겠네요. 3. obscenity: 외설 *** 좋은 하루 되세요.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
The supreme court has ruled an favorable law that says the libraries must install blocking filters to keep children away from pornographic websites that? They want to get federal funding. Jay Sekuro with the Chief council of the American Center for law and Justice, says the legislation that was upheld by the court goes beyond protecting the right of free speech. --- there’s someone has a …. research need for material on the Internet that might be …. to be a cooperate, they can ask for be disabled. For rememer …. And pornography is not constitutionally protected speech to begin with, so people should not be asking for access to obscenity and pornography.
Librarians and civil liberties groups that challenged law say that ……to centershp??.

도서관에 어린이들을 외설사이트로부터 보호하기 위한 차단 프로그램 설치를 의무화하도록 하기 위한 판결이 나왔는데요…. 당연히 free speech, 언론의 자유에 대한 침해관련 문제가 불거져 나오겠죠. 발음이 유난히 어렵게 들린 If, legitimate 합법적인, 쉽지만 발음은 또렷한데도 잡아내지 못한 deem ~로 생각하다, 간주하다 I deem it good to do so, 그렇게 하는게 좋겠어……obscenity 외설 // pornography 포르노, 도색문학 // censorship 검열(제도), 검열관의 직(임기) // constitutionally 법적으로, 헌법적으로….. 중간에 나오는 but도 어렵꾸…..쉽지 않습니다…… 잘 쉬시고 낼 뵙겠습니다!!

A man from Qatar has been designated an enemy combatant of the United States for allegedly paving the way for al-Qaida operatives to settle in the US. Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri has been in custody since 2001. The government move puts him under the control of the defense department.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
A man from Qatar has been designated an enemy combat?? of the United States for allegedly paving the way for al-Qaida operatives to settle in the US. Ali ??? has been in custody since 2001. The government move puts him under the control of the defense department.

Combatant란 단어는 처음 알았는데 역시 아는만큼만 들린다는 게 사실이군요. Combatant : a person, group or country that takes part in the fighting in the war.

US forces who chased an Iraqi convoy last week also wound up in a firefight with Syrian border guards. A senior Pentagon official says it’s not clear who shot first, but several border guards were wounded.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
US forces who chased an Iraqi convoy last week also wound up in a firefight with Syrian border guards. A senior Pentagon official says it’s not clear who shot first, but several border guards were wounded.
Designate someone : someone who has been formally chosen a particular job.

Wind up in a particular place, situation or state : someone is in it at the end of a series of actions, events or experiences, even though you did not originally intend to be.

This is AP Network News.

(((2003. 6. 25. Wednesday - latter part)))

Palestinian officials say Hamas and other militant groups are on the verge of agreeing to halt attacks on Israelis. Israeli officials fear such a ceasefire will only give the groups time to rearm and plan more attacks. Egypt’s foreign minister Ahmed Maher says he’s optimistic that a ceasefire can be hammered out.
--- You can never be sure. We are doing our best. We are trying. The response we have received is generally positive, but there are still some problems.
Israeli and Palestinian security officials also held more talks today in the terms of an Israeli troop pullback in Gaza. The peace plan requires Israel to gradually withdraw to positions held before the outbreak of fighting as the Palestinians disarm the militias.

(정원교의 듣기일기)
Palestinian officials say Hamas and other militant groups surround the verge of agreed halt attacks on Israelis. Israeli officials fear such ceasefire only gives the groups more time to rearm and plan more attacks. Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Maher says he is optimistic that ceasefire can be hammered out.
--- It is never be sure. We are doing out best. We are trying. The response we have received is generally reportedly (( ))
Israeli and Palestinian security officials also held more talks today in terms of an Israeli troop pullback in Gaza. The peace plan requires Israel gradually to withdraw the position held before the outbreak of fighting and Palestinians to disarm the militia.

오늘 더위 먹은 듯 온몸에 힘이 빠지는 저녁입니다. ((on the verge of, on the brink of, be about to, 직전에, 바야흐로, 일어나려고 하는)) 잘 아는 표현임에도, 들을 때는 ((groups))의 에스 발음과 만나면서 엉뚱한 ((surround))로 들리면서 도통.. 연음이 문제인 거 같습니다. 여하튼 내용을 살펴보면 하마스를 비롯한 회교 과격단체들이 이스라엘국민에 대한 공격 중단에 합의하기 일보직전이라고 합니다. 이스라엘 정부 관계자들은 이런 정전협정이 이들 단체에게 재무장과 공격계획을 세울 시간만 주는 게 아닐까 우려하고 있습니다. 이집트 외무장관은 정전은 충분히 성사 가능하다며 긍정적인 입장을 보여주고 있습니다. ((hammer out; to reach a decision or agreement after discussing it or arguing about it for a long time, 어려운 문제를 고민해서 풀어내다, 망치로 두들겨 펴다)) 인터뷰 부분은 간간이 들리는데 음질도 안 좋고 어렵네요. 몇몇 군데서 관사를 써야 함에도 그냥 지나쳤네요….이놈의 관사는…왜 이리 어려운지…

(고강석의 듣기일기)
Palestinian official says Hamas is another militant group surround the verge of grain the whole attack on a Israeli. Israeli official fear such seize fire ??? . Egypt foreign minister Amard mair say he is optimistic that is seize fire can be hammered out. -- He’ve never been shown. We are doing our best. we are trying that is response we have received is generally positive that are serious problem. Israeli and Palestinian Security official also help more talks today in terms of Israeli triple back and gasp. The piece plan required is gradually of all the positions help before the operate fighting. As Palestinian disarm malicious.

on the verge of : ~하기 직전에 // hammer out : 의견차를 조정하다. // pullback : 후퇴, 철수 // militias : 시민군.

Even with a sluggish economy, charitable giving held steady around the country in 2002. The Giving USA Report shows increased corporate donations offset a drop in foundation grants. Donations went up 1% last year to nearly 241 billion dollars. A drop in grants by foundations was offset by a 10% increase in corporate giving.

(정원교의 듣기일기)
Even with the sluggish economy, charitable giving held study around the country in 2002. The given U.S.A report shows an increase corporate donation was also dropped in foundation grants. Donations went up 1% last year nearly $241 billion. A drop in grants by foundations was all set by a 10% increase in corporate giving.

경기침체((sluggish economy))에도 불구하고, 미국에서는 자선기부가 끊이지 않고 있다고 합니다. 어찌 ((steady))가 ((study))로 들릴 수 있는지.. ((offset, cancel out, 상쇄하다)) 기업들의 기부가 증가해서 재단에서 들어오는 기부금이 떨어졌음에도, 전체적으로 1%가 증가한 2410억 달러를 기록했다고 합니다. 어렵습니다…..언제까지 ….해야 되나….Hope all is well.

(고강석의 듣기일기)
Even with the sluggish economy, charitable giving held steady around the country in 2002. “The giving U.S.A” report shows increased corporate donations offset a drop in foundation grants. Donations went up 1% last year to nearly 241 billion dollars. A drop in grants by foundations was offset by a 10% increase in corporate giving.

sluggish economy : 불경기 // offset : 상쇄하다, 벌충하다. The giving U.S.A report shows increased corporate donations offset a drop in foundation grants ((증가된 법인기부금이 기초보조금의 하락을 상쇄하고 있다.))

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