
AP Networt News
앨범 : Daily English

(((2003. 6. 18. Wednesday - former part)))

AP Update. I’m Lisa Meyer.

It was just two weeks ago that Phoenix archbishop Thomas O’Brien announced that he was relinquishing some of his authority in a deal with prosecutors to keep from being indicted on obstruction charges in connection with the Church’s sex abuse scandal. Now O’Brien has been arrested in connection with a deadly weekend hit-and-run accident. Police say that a man was killed after being struck by two cars that left the scene of the accident. Witnesses gave police a partial license plate number from the first car. That led them to O’Brien’s home. When they got there, they saw that the windshield of the bishop’s car had been caved in.

(이종인의 듣기일기)
It was just two weeks ago that Phoenix archbishop Thomas O'Brien announced that he was relinquishing some of his authority and deal with prosecutors to keep from being indicted on obstruction charges in connection with church's sex abuse scandal. Now O'Brien has been arrested in connection with the deadly weekend *** accident. Police say the man was killed after being struck by two cars that left the scene of the accident. Witnesses gave police partial license plate number from the first car that led them to O'Brien's home. When they got there. They saw the windowshield of the bishop's car have been caved in.

로마 카톨릭 주교가 무단횡단을 하던 보행자를 차로 치고는 현장에서 도주했다고 경찰이 밝혔습니다. 주교의 말로는 자신은 개나 고양이를 치었거나 혹은 누가 돌을 던져 자신의 차에 맞은 것으로 여겼다고 합니다. Thomas O'Brian 주교(67)는 이미 합의를 보아 자신의 주교권한을 포기하였다고 합니다. 몇몇 카톨릭 신부들이 어린이들을 성추행한 것을(child molestation) 비호해준 혐의로 기소를 당했기 때문입니다. 일단 교통사고 현장에서 뺑소니를 친 혐의로 기소되었고 $45'000보석금으로 풀려났다고 합니다. 43세의 Jim Reed라는 사람이 무단횡단을 하다가 차량 2대에 치었는데 사고지점은 주교의 자택에서 3마일 떨어진 곳이라고 하는군요. 경찰은 자동차번호판을 추적하여 주교의 차를 찾아내었다고 합니다(traced a license plate number to O'Brienb's car). 경찰대변인 말로는 O'brien은 사람을 치어서 기소된 것이 아니라고 합니다. Reed가 무단횡단을 했기 때문에 주교의 책임이 아니라고 하는군요. 다만 사고현장에 남아 있었더라면 어떤 범죄도 성립되지 않았을 것이라고 합니다. 사고현장을 도망쳤기 때문에 유죄인 것이지 치인 사람의 죽음에 대해서는 책임이 없다고 합니다. 주교는 4년 이하의 집행유예의 처벌을 받을 것으로 보입니다. ###hit-and-run### 받아쓰기 할 때는 무슨 단어인지 궁금했는데 알고 보니 쉽네요.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
It was just two weeks ago that Phoenix archbishop Thomas O’Brien announced that he was relinquishing some of his authority in a deal with prosecutors to keep from being indicted on obstruction charges in connection with the Church’s sex abuse scandal. Now O’Brien has been arrested in connection with a deadly weekend hit-and-run accident. Police say that a man was killed after being struck by two cars that left the scene of the accident. Witnesses gave police a partial license plate number from the first car. That led them to O’Brien’s home. When they got there, they saw that the windshield of the bishop’s car had been caved in.

교회의 성추행 스캔들과 관련된 사법 방해 혐의로 기소되지 않는 대신 은퇴를 발표했던 대주교가 이젠 뺑소니 사고로 체포되었다는 소식입니다. 두 대의 차량에 의해 치었다는 남자는 사망했는데……뉴스 내용으로 보면 첫번째 차량-주교의 차가 친 후에 뒤따르던 차가 또 친 것으로 추정됩니다만…. 목격자들의 증언에 의한 번호판의 일부 숫자를 단서로 주교의 차를 추적한 경찰이 그의 집에 도착했을 때, 전면 유리창엔 사고의 충격을 말해주듯 crack이 나 있었다는군요. Carve 조각하다, (영토 등) 분할하다 // Archbishop 대주교 // relinquish (소유물, 권리 등을) 포기하다, 양도하다 // indict 기소하다, 고발하다 // indictor 기소자 // obstruction of justice 사법방해 // hit and run 사람을 치고 뺑소니 치다 hit-and-run 뺑소니.

It’s a happy day for families of 12 drug defendants in Tulia, Texas. After four years in prison, a judge has ordered the 12 to be released from jail while they appeal their cases. They were convicted on the testimony of an undercover officer who has since been charged with perjury. Vanita Gupta with the NAACP says that it took a huge effort to get the judge to let the defendants go free.
--- We put witness after witness, who had worked with Tom Coleman in other law enforcement positions, who said from the get-go that he was untrustworthy, not credible, that he was racist. And then we finally put the sheriff of Swisher County on the stand, and Tom Coleman himself. And Tom Coleman perjured himself repeatedly.
The same judge recommended last month that the 38 convictions in the case be overturned.

(정원교의 듣기일기)
It’s a happy day for the families of twelve drug defendants in Tulia, Texas. After four years in prison a judge has ordered that the twelve to be released from jail while they appeal their cases. They were convicted on the testimony of an undercover officer who has since been charged with perjury. Vanita Gupta with the NAACP says that it took a huge effort to get the judge to let the defendants go free
-We had put witness after witness, who worked with Tom Coleman in other one law enforcement positions, who said (( )) that he was untrustworthy, not creditable, that he was a racist. And then we finally put the sheriff of Swisher County on the stand and Tom Coleman himself. And Tom Coleman perjured himself repeatedly.
The same judge recommended last month the 38 convictions in the case be overturned.

어제, 아니면 요 며칠 사이에 본 기사내용입니다. 기억력이 좋은 분들은 몇 달 전에 AP에서 나온 내용이라는 것도 아시겠지요. 마약거래 혐의로 4년간 복역 중이던 기결수 중 12명이 석방되었고 항소에 들어갔네요. 한 명의 비밀경찰((an undercover officer))이 모든 사건의 발단입니다. 이 한 사람의 증언만으로(on the testimony of~)) 모두 재판에서 선고를 받았는데, 나중에 이 경찰이 위증죄로((perjury)) 기소가 되면서, 문제가 불거진 것 같습니다. ((NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 전미(全美) 흑인 지위 향상 협회)) ((take a huge effort to~, ~를 위해서 엄청난 노력을 하다)) 문제의 경찰과 같이 근무한 사람들을 증인으로 계속 내세워서 그 사람이 신뢰할 수 없으며 인종차별주의자라는 증언을 얻어냈군요. ((from the get-go, from the beginning)) 첨 보는 표현이네요. ((put s/by on the stand, 누구를 법정에 세우다)) 더위가 다가옵니다. 건강 조심하시고, 땀 흘린 대가가 돌아올 그 날을 위해 오늘도 열심히….Hope all is well.

Three days after the death of Gregory Peck, Hollywood is saying goodbye to another veteran actor. Hume Cronyn died of prostate cancer. He’s 91.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
Three days after the death of Gregory Peck, Hollywood is saying goodbye to another veteran actor. Hume Cronyn died of prostate cancer. He’s 91.

“burp” 땀시 accused가 abused로 나올뻔하다가 정정한 거였군요. prostate는 전립선인데 prostrate(엎드리다, 굴복하다)와 헷갈릴 수도 잇겠네요. R자 하나 차이로…

A hearing is being held in Fort Knox, Kentucky in the case of an American soldier who was accused in a deadly grenade attack on fellow soldiers in Kuwait. Correspondent Kimberly Hefling with more from Fort Knox.
--- This hearing will determine whether or not the case will move onto a court-martial. There are 39 people who are expected to testify. Sixteen of them are live, twenty-three are from video conferencing from Mosul, Iraq where the division is currently located.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
A hearing is being held in Fort Knox, Kentucky in the case of an American soldier who was abuse?? accused in a deadly grenade attack on fellow soldiers in Kuwait. Correspondent Kimberly Hefling with more from Fort Knox.
This hearing will determine whether or not the case will move onto a court martial. There are 39 people who are expite?? to testify. Sixteen of them are live?? Twenty-three are from video conferencing from Mosul, Iraq where the division is currently located.

court martial은 “군법회의”라는군요.

This is AP Network News.

(((2003. 6. 18. Wednesday - latter part)))

The FBI’s annual survey of crime nationwide shows that crime was down in New York again last year.
--- The shine is still on the Big Apple, at least when it comes to safety. New FBI statistics show crime in New York City continues to drop, making it the second safest place to live, trailing only behind San Jose, California. Rick Silverman, who lives in Manhattan, says he sees a lot more cops in uniform out and about. (I feel a lot safer here.) Murders are down 9%, car thefts are down 10%. But there’s one area of bad news. Rapes are up more than 8%. That’s double the national average. (I have three daughters and it scares me all the time.) Robin Wollensky, New York.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
The FBI’s annual survey of crime nationwide shows that crime was down in New York again last year.
--- The shine is still on the Big Apple, at least when it comes to safety. New FBI statistics show crime in New York City continues to drop, making it the second safest place to live, trailing only behind San Jose, California. Rick Silverman, who lives in Manhattan, says he sees a lot more cops in uniform out ??. (I feel a lot safer here.) Murders are down 9%, car thefts are down 10%. But there’s one area of bad news. Rapes are up more than 8%. That’s double the national average. (?? scares me all the time.) Robin Wollensky, New York.

뉴욕시에 강간을 제외한 범죄율이 줄어들고 있다는 FBI의 보고입니다. 작년에 이어 계속해서 떨어지고 있다고 합니다. 가장 안전한 곳은 캘리포니아 산호세라고 하네요. *** 1. The shine is still on the Big Apple: 안전에 관해서는(when it comes to ~) 뉴욕이 여전히 빛을 발하고 있다. 2. ~에 뒤를 이어 2등이다: trailing only behind San Jose. 3. out and about: 밖에서 4. I have three daughters and it ~: 못 들었습니다.

The suspected ringleader in an immigrant smuggling operation has been arrested. Nineteen immigrants died in that operation last month.
--- Arrested on Friday were Karla Patricia Chavez and Claudia Carizales de Villa. Both are not American citizens, but are in US custody awaiting charges on a 58-count indictment.
Correspondent Mark Babaneck.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
The suspected ?? in an immigrant smuggling operation has been arrested. Nineteen immigrants died in that operation last month.
--- The arrested on Friday were Karla Patricia Chavez and Claudia Carizales de Villa. Both are not American citizens, but are in US custody waiting charges on a 58 account indictment.
Correspondent Mark Babaneck.

불법 이민을 알선한 용의자들이 잡혔다고 합니다. 19명이나 불법으로 들어오려다가 죽었습니다. 자유에 대한 열망일까요? *** 1. ringleader: 주동자, 주모자. 2.Arrested on Friday were ~: 도치가 된 줄 모르고, 전 arrested 앞에 the를 붙였네요. 3. awaiting charges on a 58-count indictment: 58가지 소인에 대해 고발되어 있다. Await와 charges on a 58-count 못 들었습니다. *** 좋은 하루 되세요.

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