Nice and slow

Crystal Kay
앨범 : 4 Real

[출처] 지음아이

(U know this is love this is love love love
U know this is love this is love love love...)



搜してたの truth of love そして見つけてあなたを
사가시테타노 truth of love 소시테미츠케테아나타오
찾았었던 truth of love 그리고발견했죠그대를

だから迷わず going on 秘密めくドアの前
다카라마요와즈 going on 히미츠메쿠도아노마에
그러니방황하지말고 going on 비밀스러운문앞에서

Kiss me right now baby right now doing nice and slow

手さぐりの feeling 指先でいい just for me tonight
테사구리노 feeling 유비사키데이이 just for me tonight
더듬어찾는 feeling 손끝으로도좋아요 just for me tonight

Touch me right now baby, right now doing nice and slow

腕の中そっと眠ってたい (U know this is love this is love love love...)
우데노나카솟토네뭇테타이 (U know this is love this is love love love...)
품안에서살며시잠들고싶어요 (U know this is love this is love love love...)

消えてしまうの candle の light 落ちてしまうよ唇のグロス
키에테시마우노 candle 노 light 오치테시마우요쿠치비루노그로스
사라져버려요 candle 의 light 떨어져버리고말아요입술의윤기


(U know this is love this is love love love
U know this is love this is love love love...)

敎えてただ truth of you (show me that) 怖くないのだって real thing
오시에테타다 truth of you (show me that) 코와쿠나이노닷테 real thing
가르쳐줘요 truth of you (show me that) 두렵지않아요 real thing

(I'm not scared) 証明したい truth of me (ready to love)
(I'm not scared) 쇼-메이시타이 truth of me (ready to love)
(I'm not scared) 증명하고싶어요 truth of me (ready to love)


言葉じゃなく right now baby nice and slow
코토바쟈나쿠 right now baby nice and slow
말로가아니라 right now baby nice and slow

手さぐりの feeling 指先がいい just for U tonight
테사구리노 feeling 유비사키데이이 just for U tonight
더듬어찾는 feeling 손끝으로도좋아요 just for U tonight

言葉じゃダメ right now baby nice and slow
코토바쟈다메 right now baby nice and slow
말로는안되요 right now baby nice and slow

腕の中いつか眠るまでに (U know this is love this is love)
우데노나카이츠카네무루마데니 (U know this is love this is love)
품안에서언젠가잠들때까지 (U know this is love this is love)

絡まってる voice まるで voice だけど nice 感じあえている
카라맛테루 voice 마루데 voice 다케도 nice 칸지아에테이루
휘감기고있는 voice 마치 voice 하지만 nice 서로느끼고있죠

繫がってる ties ここに lies あるはずがない ever and ever
츠나갓테루 ties 코코니 lies 아루하즈가나이 ever and ever
이어져있는 ties 이곳에 lies 있을리없어요 ever and ever

手さぐりの feeling 指先でいい just for me tonight
테사구리노 feeling 유비사키데이이 just for me tonight
더듬어찾는 feeling 손끝으로도좋아요 just for me tonight

Touch me right now baby, right now doing nice and slow

腕の中そっと眠ってたい (U know this is love this is love love love...)
우데노나카솟토네뭇테타이 (U know this is love this is love love love...)
품안에서살며시잠들고싶어요 (U know this is love this is love lve...)

離れないでずっと baby このまま抱きしめててずっと baby 違う夜へ
하나레나이데즛토 baby 코노마마다키시메테테즛토 baby 치가우요루에
놓지말아요언제나 baby 이대로안아줘요계속 baby 또다른밤으로

離れないでずっと baby このまま抱きしめててずっと baby 違う夜へ
하나레나이데즛토 baby 코노마마다키시메테테즛토 baby 치가우요루에
놓지말아요언제나 baby 이대로안아줘요계속 baby 또다른밤으로

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