
Da Pump
騷いで乘ってけ it's alright!
사와이데놋테케 it's alright
웅성이며리즐겨봐 it's alright

Brand new da rhythm で step どうだい?
Brand new da rhythm 데 step 도-다이?
Brand new da rhythm 으로 step 어때?

Keep on move yourself 朝が來るまで
Keep on move yourself 아사가쿠루마데
Keep on move yourself 아침이올때까지

いつもの調子で it's alright!
이츠모노쵸-시데 it's alright!
언제나의흐름으로 it's alright!

Back to da beat で step どうだい?
Back to da beat 데 step 도-다이?
Back to da beat 으로 step 어때?

Right now throw your hands 夜が明けるまで
Right now throw your hands 요루가아케루마데
Right now throw your hands 밤이밝을때까지

New track で上がる週末
New track 데아가루슈-마츠
New track 로고조되는주말

걱정하는 shoes 는 timber 가 force1


Light up 街の看板
Light up 마치노칸반
Light up 거리의간판

混ざる color 集まりだす
마자루 color 아츠마리다스
섞이는 color 모이기시작해

Like a flower 香り際立つ it's drama
Like a flower 카오리기와다츠 it's drama
Like a flower 향기가두드러져 it's drama

Tick tack 知らせる midnight
Tick tack 시라세루 midnight
Tick tack 알리는 midnight

It's a party all night
Step out tonight, come on!

I surely think so 君の瞳は今輝き始めてる
I surely think so 키미노히토미와이마카가야키하지메테루
I surely think so 그대의눈동자는지금빛나기시작해


そう强く握りしめ let's do dance together
소-츠요쿠니기리시메 let's do dance together
그래강하게움켜잡고 let's do dance together

集まれ聲出せ it's alright!
아츠마레코에다세 it's alright!
모여봐소리질러 it's alright!

Brand new da rhythm で step どうだい?
Brand new da rhythm 데 step 도-다이?
Brand new da rhythm 으로 step 어때?

Keep on move yourself 喉渴くまで
Keep on move yourself 노도카와쿠마데
Keep on move yourself 목마를때까지

氣樂な感じで it's alright!
키라쿠나칸지데 it's alright!
편안한느낌으로 it's alright!

Back to da beat で step どうだい?
Back to da beat 데 step 도-다이?
Back to da beat 으로 step 어때?

Right now throw your hands 燃えつきるまで
Right now throw your hands 모에츠키루마데
Right now throw your hands 다타버릴때까지

Back in day

鳴り響いた kick と bass
나리히비이타 kick 토 bass
울려퍼지는 kick 과 bass

떠나니는각양각색의 face 를 chase

2 turn table スピ-カ-の前
2 turn table 스피-카-노마에
2 turn table spaker 앞에서


It's you 胸に燒きつくその style
It's you 무네니야키츠쿠소노 style
It's you 가슴에새겨지는그 style

Don't forget ya 特別な夜
Don't forget ya 토쿠베츠나요루
Don't forget ya 특별한밤

今日も sound に身を委ねる
쿄-모 sound 니미오유다네루
오늘도 sound 에몸을맡겨

混ざり合う存在 for you, come on!
마자리아우손자이 for you, come on!
뒤섞이는존재 for you, come on!

You surely thlnk so 高鳴る胸は熱い思い求めてる
You surely thlnk so 타카나루무네와아츠이오모이모토메테루
You surely thlnk so 높이뛰는가슴은뜨거운마음을원하고있어


そうずっと握りしめ let's do dance together
소-즛토니기리시메 let's do dance together
그래줄곧움켜쥐고서 let's do dance together

騷いで乘ってけ it's alright!
사와이데놋테케 it's alright
웅성이며리즐겨봐 it's alright

Brand new da rhythm で step どうだい?
Brand new da rhythm 데 step 도-다이?
Brand new da rhythm 으로 step 어때?

Keep on move yourself 朝が來るまで
Keep on move yourself 아사가쿠루마데
Keep on move yourself 아침이올때까지

いつもの調子で it's alright!
이츠모노쵸-시데 it's alright!
언제나의흐름으로 it's alright!

Back to da beat で step どうだい?
Back to da beat 데 step 도-다이?
Back to da beat 으로 step 어때?

Right now throw your hands 夜が明けるまで
Right now throw your hands 요루가아케루마데
Right now throw your hands 밤이밝을때까지

集まれ聲出せ it's alright!
아츠마레코에다세 it's alright!
모여봐소리질러 it's alright!

Brand new da rhythm で step どうだい?
Brand new da rhythm 데 step 도-다이?
Brand new da rhythm 으로 step 어때?

Keep on move yourself 喉渴くまで
Keep on move yourself 노도카와쿠마데
Keep on move yourself 목마를때까지

氣樂な感じで it's alright!
키라쿠나칸지데 it's alright!
편안한느낌으로 it's alright!

Back to da beat で step どうだい?
Back to da beat 데 step 도-다이?
Back to da beat 으로 step 어때?

Right now throw your hands 燃えつきるまで
Right now throw your hands 모에츠키루마데
Right now throw your hands 다타버릴때까지

騷いで乘ってけ it's alright!
사와이데놋테케 it's alright
웅성이며리즐겨봐 it's alright

Brand new da rhythm で step どうだい?
Brand new da rhythm 데 step 도-다이?
Brand new da rhythm 으로 step 어때?

Keep on move yourself 朝が來るまで
Keep on move yourself 아사가쿠루마데
Keep on move yourself 아침이올때까지

いつもの調子で it's alright!
이츠모노쵸-시데 it's alright!
언제나의흐름으로 it's alright!

Back to da beat で step どうだい?
Back to da beat 데 step 도-다이?
Back to da beat 으로 step 어때?

Right now throw your hands 夜が明けるまで
Right now throw your hands 요루가아케루마데
Right now throw your hands 밤이밝을때까지

가사 검색