
Various Artists

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그 사람은 이 땅에 살 자격이 없습니다
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오! 단 한 번만이라도
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문득 그녀가 인류의 십자가를 지고 있는 것 같아 보이네
오, 노트르담이여(성모마리아여)
오! 단 한 번만이라도
에스메랄다 정원의 문을 열어 볼 수 있게 해 주소서

그녀의 몸짓이 무지개 빛 치마 속에서
경이와 신비를 보여 줄 때
그녀의 검고 커다란 두 눈이 당신을 매혹하는데도
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나의 연인이여
당신을 제단에 올리기 전까지
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아무리 소금기둥이 된다 해도
어느 남자가 그녀에게서 눈을 돌릴 수 있단 말인가
오, 플러르들리스
나는 믿을 만한 남자가 못 되오
난 에스메랄다의 사랑의 꽃을 따러 가겠소

나는 그녀의 집시 치마 안에서
나의 두 눈을 뗄 수가 없습니다
기도가 더 이상 무슨 소용이 있습니까,
그녀에게 첫 번째 돌을
던질 사람이 누구인가요?
그 사람은 이 땅에 살 자격이 없습니다
오, 루시퍼여!
오! 단 한 번만이라도
내 손가락이 에스메랄다의 머릿결을 스칠 수 있게 해 주십시오


Quasimodo :GAROU





C'est un mot qu'on dirait invente pour elle
Quand elle danse et qu'elle met son corps a jour, tel
Un oiseau qui etend ses ailes pour s'envoler
Alors je sens l'enfer s'ouvrir sous mes pieds

J'ai pose mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane
A quoi me sert encore de prier Notre-Dame?
Est celui qui lui jettera la premiere pierre?
Celui-la ne merite pas d'etre sur Terre

O Lucifer! Oh! laisse-moi rien qu'une fois
Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'Esmeralda


Est-ce le diable qui s'est incarne en elle
Pour detourner mes yeux du Dieu eternel?
Qui a mis dans mon etre ce desir charnel
Pour m'empecher de regarder vers le Ciel?

Elle porte en elle le peche originel
La desirer fait-il de moi un criminel?
Qu'on prenait pour une fille de joie, une fille de rien
Semble soudain porter la croix du genre humain

O Notre Dame! Oh! laisse-moi rien qu'une fois
Pousser la porte du jardin d'Esmeralda


Malgre ses grands yeux noirs qui vous ensorcellent
La demoiselle serait-elle encore pucelle?
Quand ses mouvements me font voir monts et merveilles
Sous son jupon aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel

Ma dulcinee laissez-moi vous etre infidele
Avant de vous avoir menee jusqu'a l'autel
Est l'homme qui detournerait son regard d'elle
Sous peine d'etre change en statue de sel?

O Fleur-de-Lys Je ne suis pas homme de foi
J'irai cueillir la fleur d'amour d'Esmeralda


J'ai pose mes yeux sous sa robe de gitane
A quoi me sert encore de prier Notre Dame
Quel est celui qui lui jettera la premiere pierre
Celui-la ne merite pas d'etre sur Terre

O Lucifer! Oh! laisse-moi rien qu'une fois
Glisser mes doigts dans les cheveux d'Esmeralda

English Ver.


Belle, is the only word I know that suits her well.
When she dances oh the stories she can tell.
A free bird trying out her wings to fly away.
And when I see her move I see hell to pay.
She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.
And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.
Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.
I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.
Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.
And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.


Belle, there's a demon inside her who came from hell.
And he turned my eyes from god and oh, I fell.
She put this heat inside me I'm ashamed to tell.
Without my god inside I'm just a burning shell.
The sin of eve she has in her I know so well.
For want of her I know I'd give my soul to sell.
Belle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skin.
And does she bear the cross of all our human sin.
Oh Notre dame please let me go beyond gods law.
Open the door of love inside, Esmeralda.


Belle, Even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell.
She may be more pure, more pure than words can tell.
But when she dances feelings come no man can quell.
Beneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the well.
My promised one, please let me one time be untrue.
Before in front of god and man I marry you.
Who would be the man who'd turn from her to save his soul.
To be with her I'd let the devil take me whole.
Oh Fleur-de-lys I am a man who knows no law.
I go to open up the rose, Esmeralda


She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.
And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.
Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.
I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.
Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.
And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.


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