앨범 : Pray/XXX feat. 倖田來未
Three lines stand for Deep, Sexy, Cool
uh..Stimulation is good
(아마쿠 Perfect나 Temptation)
달콤하게 Perfect한 Tempation
Shake da body like jelly!

Heyみんな! How are ya doin’?
(Hey 민나! How are ya doin'?)
Hey 모두들! How are ya doin'?
HeavyなShow timeを
(Heavy나Show time오)
Heavy한 Show time을
Listen up baby This timeは特別
(Listen up baby This time와 도쿠베츠)
Listen up baby This time은 특별하니까

「아마..」라든지 「~일지도 몰라」
なんて気分じゃなくて3 minds are right!
(나응테키분쟈나쿠테 3 minds are right!)
같은 기분이 아니라 3 minds are right!
(No doubt!?)

視線を合わせて hola at me
(시세응오아와세테 hola at me)
시선을 맞춰서 hola at me
歩き出したら come on with me
(아루키다시타라 come on with me)
걷기 시작한다면 come on with me
갑자긴 안돼!
Take your time & go slow
ふざけるのはやめて SERIOUS に...
(후자케루노와야메테 SERIOUS 니...)
장난은 그만 쳐 SERIOUS 하게...
movin’ を stop して君に
(movin' 오 stop 시테키미니)
movin'을 stop 해서 너에게
Perfectな Temptationを
(Perfect나 Temptation오)
Perfect한 Temptation을)

We don’t need no tools to make you feel higher (feel higher)
全て このNaked bodyから Fly out (Fly out)
(스베테 고노Naked body카라 Fly out (Fly out))
전부 이 Naked body로부터 Fly out
We don’t need no spotlight, cuz’ we got the fire (got the fire)
When the show begins, I be the girl you’ve never met

いつだって Perfectな Temptation
(이쯔닷테 Perfect나 Temptation)
언제라도 Perfect한 Temptation
손에 얻었다면
Never Let’em go
Never Let’em go
달콤하게 숨결을 불어 넣어 흔드는거야
刺激 is so Good
(시게키 is so Good)
자극 is so Good
すぐに We’ll make you feel good
(스구니 We'll make you feel good)
금방 We'll make you feel good

Rise from Diamond 違う光のFusion Crazyにやらせて (We'll work it!)
(Rise from Diamond 찌가우히카리노 Fusion Crazy니 야라세테 (We'll work it!))
Rise from Diamond 뭔가 특별한 빛의 Fusion Crazy에 반해서 (We'll work it!)
SizeはXXXのfeeling! Hand signはコレ★
(Size와XXX노feeling! Hand sign와 고레★)
Size는 XXX의 feeling! Hand sign은 이거★
We come in Triple Super High!な (Three MICS!)
(We come in Triple Super High!나 (Three MICS!))
We come in Triple Super High!한 (Three MICS!)

keep keep dope dope dope
(yippy yippy yi yai!)
deep deep more more more
(yippy yippy yi yo!)
yippy yippy yi yai yippy yi yo!
yippy yippy yi yai yippy yi yo!

Go! KUMI go go go!
(yippy yippy yi yai!)
Go! SOULHEAD go go go!
(yippy yippy yi yo!)
yippy yippy yi yai yippy yi yo!
yippy yippy yi yai yippy yi yo!

We don’t need no tools to make you feel higher (feel higher)
全て このNaked bodyから Fly out (Fly out)
(스베테 고노Naked body카라 Fly out)
전부 이 Naked body로부터 Fly out
We don’t need no spotlight, cuz’ we got the fire (got the fire)
When the show begins, I be the girl you’ve never met

いつだって Perfectな Temptation
(이쯔닷테 Perfect나 Temptation)
언제라도 Perfect한 Temptation
손에 얻었다면
Never Let’em go
Never Let’em go
달콤하게 숨결을 불어 넣어 흔드는거야
刺激 is so Good
(시게키 is so Good)
자극 is so Good
すぐに We’ll make you feel good
(스구니 We'll make you feel good)
금방 We'll make you feel good

It's perfect temptation

이 길을 걸어왔던건
분명히 널 만나기 위해서였어

1+2 be scandalous
3 come together be endless
Nobody can stoping this or step in this
Cuz’ we are girl with the “guarantee”
We be the Diamond Digger Digger
話題かっさらう最強のDiva Diva
(와다이캇-사라우사이쿄-노Diva Diva)
언제나 화제거리인 최강의 Diva Diva
常にHOTなGOSSIPをGiver Giver
(죠-니HOT나GOSSIP오Giver Giver)
늘 HOT한 GOSSIP을 Giver Giver
Come with us, if you can feel us feel us
体の奥が欲しがったる new flow
(카라다노오쿠가호시갓타루 new flow)
몸 속이 원하고 있는 new flow
誰かやるの待たずにwe go
(다레카야루노마타즈니 we go)
다른 누군가가 먼저 하길 기다리지 않고 we go
never wanna go slow
보여줄게 처음의 ZONE
本能むくまま 1,2,3 and go
(혼노-무쿠마마 1,2,3 and go)
본능이 향하는 대로 1,2,3 and go
Only we got the Key to the next stage
一度聞いたら Sure you gonna miss me
(이찌도키이타라 Sure you gonna miss me)
한 번 들으면 Sure you gonna miss me
二度目からは You’ll be addicted
(니도메카라와 You'll be addicted)
두 번째부터는 You'll be addicted
I be hear everybody say 「gimmisamo」

いつだって Perfectな Temptation
(이쯔닷테 Perfect나 Temptation)
언제라도 Perfect한 Temptation
손에 얻었다면
Never Let’em go
Never Let’em go
달콤하게 숨결을 불어 넣어 흔드는거야
刺激 is so Good
(시게키 is so Good)
자극 is so Good
すぐに We’ll make you feel good
(스구니 We'll make you feel good)
금방 We'll make you feel good

いつだって Perfectな Temptation
(이쯔닷테 Perfect나 Temptation)
언제라도 Perfect한 Temptation
손에 얻었다면
Never Let’em go
Never Let’em go
さあ, 今一緒に歌ってほしいの
(사아, 이마잇쇼니우탓-테호시이노)
자, 지금 함께 노래부르고 싶어
강하게 받아들이고 싶어
that the way we do, yeah!!

가사 검색