What Do 15-Year-Old Students Do Around The World ENG (Rap. 박경희)

앨범 : 랩통 중3-1 1과 (랩으로 통암기하는 영어교과서)
hi i'm inho from korea
i'm 15 years old and i'm in the
third year of middle school
i'd like to know
what school life is
like for other 15 year old
students around the world
could you write to me
mary from the U S
hi i'm a freshman
in high school in america
we con choose some of the classes
we take this semester
i'm taking theater math chemistry
world history
and honors english
honors ciasses are harder
than regular ciasses
however taking them
will help me get into a good college
i'm dusy after school too
i play the trumpet in the school
band i'm also in the debate club
i don't know how i'm going to
manage all this
ahmad from saudi arabia
hello i'm in the third yeaar of
middle school my school is a
boys only school according to
isiamic ruleas boys and girls
cannot go to the same school
at school we study arbic english
math science history
and the koran after school
i play soccer with my friends
or hang out at the compuier clud
during the winter break  
we usually go camping near an oasis
last year we had a camel race
i'm really lookimg forward to
this year's camping trip
diegp from chile
hi i'm a ferskman in high
school after eight years of
primary school we go to high
school which lasts four yrars
we usually go to the same school
from primary school to high
school and wear uniforms
we have ourschooi's anniversary
celebration next month
for a week before the
anniversary we'll have various
activities such as
soccermatches spelling
contests and cueca contests
there'll be aparade on the
anniversary day
elias from finland
hi i'm in the iast year of
comprehensive school  
at the end of this year
we'll choose between
upper secondary school
and vocational school
about haif of my ciass will go to
vocational school my friend
veeti will go to vocational
school he wants to be anengineer
i have not made up
my mind yet luckily
we can take a year off  
before we go to high
school during that time
we can explore different jobs

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