This is the story
The Imaginary story
This is the story of the voice of the world
This is a story that must be told
But I don't know where to begin
Take it from me this boy's on the level
He's got a rudimentary sense of wordplay
He's got a torn and tattered first edition of George Kay
Are you a 'ployer', or are you a 'player'
Where would we be now
If we came from Manchester town
It was two years ago
When my story begins
When a voice sought me out
And I started to sing
I screamed at the foe Won't you give me a hand
We speak the same language but I don't understand
I've always known the why's
But I've never known the how
And there's an awful lot of where
For that particular sacred cow
A man I'm on good terms with says the staff are all handpicked
Seems to be common knowledge that the editor is arse licked
Where would we be now
If we came from Manchester town
I don't want to linger any longer
I'm a write write writer, not a wrong wrong wronger
I don't want to linger any longer
I'm a sing sing singer not a song song songer
Where would we be now
If we came from Manchester town