가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

Word Is Life ITSOGOO

让人类活得更加透彻 也许沉默中的倾向是种渴望 留下的创伤可别在乎什么形状 我想过最后一首诗会留给月光 恳请在日出时,你不会将我遗忘 人生的问题 有多少还没做完 许多的问题 可能永远没有答案 随想象力的扩大,我活的更加豁达 却发现丢弃不了一个词汇“Hip-Hop” 说过几百段verse 讲个几百件事儿 和哥们儿原来一块儿点过不止几百根儿 我又把文字变成魔法和节奏摩擦 你懂我说的意思 我在表达我的活法 Word


亲爱的朋友 你轻松把我世界照亮 这是仁慈 这是仁慈 我想让它发生三十亿乘以n次 这是恩赐 这是恩赐 描述我 你感觉里绝少不了个“真”字 我很赞成 让它自然产生让它保持坦诚 拒绝任何战争 可以叫我最充实的爵士混子 叫我最忠实的灵魂乐推动分子 让自己像荒唐世界上的光芒 或像咖啡杯旁躺着的方糖 语言把世界变成了词汇 是上天给我一个机会和你约会 心灵把一切变成了音乐会 我和所有朋友汇聚成了一个乐队 Oh, life


It's all life 这就是生活 周士爵: It's all good 这就是生活 欣赏他知道正是世界的冷和苦塑造了 他的冷和酷家庭不和睦 但是他还算撑得住 幸好热爱和信念粘在一起在命运的伤口缝合处 姑娘我知道 只有爱能让你挺过去 太多恶魔 伸着手 想要把你请过去 我知道对你的担心现在都显得挺多余 天堂的路 神的手 已经把你领过去 必须创造幸福因为忘不了 她 说的话 那么多痛苦 你心里怎么搁得下




别给我没有激情也没有速度的别给我爱的能量没有注入的做自己命运的主人任何人都不恨让音乐带你入门一滴入魂周士爵:这条路从没感到自己真累了这是我们份内的我们真为了美好的可能性针对着对社会资源不合理分配的听到我们制造的知道你也想要释放你的分贝了平等伟大 自由伟大我跟随着传播着这些理念所以我的精神能量永远存在轮回着就算人没了自由诗篇 白葡萄酒是我 正在吟诵的正在饮用的天地间汲取着提取着上天和大地给予的...


路是一步一步的故事一幕一幕的我们边走边梦梦是幸福的签证阅读和经历像爬山虎在认知的墙攀登牵引着叹息 哭泣 笑语和欢声周士爵:千里之行始于足下感情经历无价是谁把你可爱的小脸蛋儿变成苦瓜回头看 一瞬间也如星云般浩瀚跳过生活的挑战后对生活提出挑战如果你也喜欢音乐那我们举手投足都能让旁人看出我们亲如手足心在一个地儿没什么能把距离拉开这道理之外 我不听 都是瞎掰几十年后你把能拨通的电话号码都拨通了我是那...


快告诉我这感觉你 爱不爱别告诉我你的心 开不开别再问我那些事 该不该好时光即将开场 你来不来快告诉我这感觉你 爱不爱别告诉我你的心 开不开别再问我那些事 该不该好时光即将开场 你来不来周士爵:为 一朵花 一朵云驻足耳机放着灵魂乐越发舒服我听说 死神想埋了我殊不知我是颗种子开了花结了果若她说我是魂人 我说没错叫我soul man 一点都不为过原来生活在加利福尼亚 美国五音不全所以说唱是我对策笑...


鼓点开始 哥们儿心态绝对放松想想曾经、未来、现在都绝对包容保护我的家和领地选择正面迎敌时刻谨记!任何事都绝对尽力!无论我们正在经历的是祸或者福通往光荣的路上闯过无数迷雾拥有不同的故事和相似的固执画出最美好的图纸 一直都是我的主旨我在海岸线上尽情拼命快乐地跑也在山的巅峰上静坐 我用心地瞧音乐让我能力加持做出绝对贡献不断提升更多价值营造更多美好空间在每段节奏之中 我都尽情发挥活在希望中的我 不被...


Hip-Hop万岁 被好时光灌醉无比赞成换成谁也会说无力反对听谁指挥 也不如听真实情感指挥被真情实感支配 听灵感指挥没变是音符每天 启迪着我洗條了我对自由的希求希望你比我积极得多白Tee上印着:释放我的瓷 :思想任何地方没有幽默没有信仰没有想象等于没有阳光没有土壤没有水就像MC没有自由等于没有嘴我是打磨着修行的达摩的幽灵么有幸地代表着010的 有义有情的不需要偏见 不需要宣言我的标准简练 留...


秒针、时针、分针在同一轮盘分身艳阳天的夜空上星辰也没你的吻真这里也许有人很趁 有人声音低沉有人被魔鬼附身 也会有人美丽动人乌云密布、万里晴空在同片天空生活不过就是小时候的选择填空坚强的忍过疼痛之后会无比放松认真感受四季中的所有盛夏严冬而我们来自同片星系的同片土地虽然肤色没能统一活在不同地区我在北半球看到你在南半球转时间、空间中间的交错足够玄幻哼着相似的歌谣 不同的歌调相似的心、脉搏相似的生活...


我不想放纵 我只想放松然后让更多钞票出现在我的账户当中我不想放纵 我只想放松然后让更多钞票出现在我的账户当中我不想放纵 我只想放松然后让更多钞票出现周士爵:我不信炒股基金 我的说唱不激进可以叫我抒情说唱 MC普希金美妙音药交给我就行了 你不疑心鬼迷心窍的音调让人听了 提不起劲像雨林里一只平凡的鸟天天飞像从天而降的献的给绿洲的一点点水只想对十恶不赦的保持针对只想保持纯粹 只想对值得回味的保持沉...

情况就是这样 ITSOGOO

若有自我反思能力我会发现痛苦大多是由自己造成的我的生活公转自转轨道是由欣赏艺术创造艺术围绕成的让你笑出来的我在舀出来的这锅汤是由二十年的热爱熬成的人的细胞每七年完全更新一次朝着好的方向对自己调整着用时间 实践自爱 实现自在而不是用一种姿态这是实打实的踏实这是心里美了 才敢说这是价值不用选最好的都是免费的最好的爱是不会减退的其他只能算负责点缀的不妙的 全部被剪碎了这一刻 不是为了交差是对自己的...


如果不是你牵起了我的手我的心一定还是一块石头像那风中的光不停摇晃如果你不会再牵起我的手我会不会又变成那块石头变成梦中的光不停摇晃我不成熟因为心的悸动是你把我灵感启动恍如一梦 对你的爱进入了无底洞让我们一起移动飘向海洋远离浅滩或在孤岛上面浅谈随便想想看都不简单从清晨聊到夜晚从真主聊到撒旦从复杂到简单再到万水千山里总是情有你的地方天总是晴我总是兴奋的状态总之所有的情节里你好像总是赢有时我因为你无...


音乐是对灵魂最美好的回馈礼物传递着最美好的感觉这是我义务对低落、伤感抵触留下太多篇幅记录不少故事、事故都关于人情世故生命是个偶然我们在其中不停地寻找因果有时 因祸得福 有时候 因福惹祸魔鬼是猜疑、猜忌我和他打着太极天使用真心爱意和我说:“别太在意!”一天不到24个小时少点浮躁你舞刀弄枪可不如一起即兴舞蹈我在节奏上面出招用我思想来做主导稍安勿躁!自由和我带你一起出逃!愁不见!鬼不见!我灵感活灵...

文字游戏笔记 ITSOGOO

如果你在等待着什么, 此刻身体发着冷, 让我把温暖通过耳机给你发点声, 就让ITSOGOO来帮你关小一点冷空气, 我们的头还顶着天,脚还依然踩着地。 这世界是不是让你的心里已关了灯, 关了城门,没人进到你的心里帮你撑腰? “你好吗?” “最近怎么样?” “工作上忙不忙?” “想不想我这个老朋友?” “需不需要帮个忙?”

Word Life John Cena

Word Life This is Basic Thuganomics This is ba-Basic Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me Word Life This is bas-Basic thuga-thuga-Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable

metaphor word KSHBLACK

i don't know metaphor word but you look something in my life It is true or it is a lie? It is No one knows. It is death or it is a life?

Low Life Death

Those who are a waste of life Use up air that others could breathe Human leaches all around Looking superior is what they believe Fake is a word you represent Your existence on earth I resent

Still Life Speaking To Stones

This water doesnt move The air is much too still The earth no longer spins Everyone waits until I cant take anymore of these unexamined lives They rip and tear the spirit of the world I wont waste more

John 1 / 요한복음 1 ALIVE SOUND

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was God In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was God

Take You At Your Word Avalon

Your word is life, Your word is love, Your word is true. . .

One Word Anouk

-I spy- I spy, I spy a tear in your eye so I'll try I'll try to get you out of here, yeah You sigh, just move a little closer Time flies, soon the night is over Morning, noon, night, all day All

Spoken Word Beautiful World

Child crying out at night Monsters in the dark The mother's soothing voice is heard It's all in the spoken word It's all in the spoken word People hurting each other Sying things that they regret Unkind

The Last Word In Lonesome Is Me Roger Miller

The last word in lonesome is me The last word in lonesome is me My heart is as lonely as a heart can be lonely The last word in lonesome is me Too bad what's happened to our good love Too bad what's

The New Word In Flames

The great word of blessendness And a feeling of ease A cup of the well of freedom and life We joyfully drink Inside all was new But outwards nothing had changed An escapade then to the altar To

존시나 wwe

Word Life This is Basic Thuganomics This is ba-Basic Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me Word Life This is bas-Basic thuga-thuga-Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable

John Cena John Cena

Word Life This is Basic Thuganomics This is ba-Basic Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me Word Life This is bas-Basic thuga-thuga-Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable

John Cena Smack Down!

Word Life This is Basic Thuganomics This is ba-Basic Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me Word Life This is bas-Basic thuga-thuga-Thuganomics Word Life I'm untouchable

Basic Thugonomics WWE

Word life! This is basic thugonomics This is ba-basic thugomoics Word life! {*scratching*} "I'm untouchable, but I'm forcin you to feel me" - Esoteric Word life!

The Last Word In Lonesome Is Me Eddy Arnold

Too bad what's happened to our good love Too bad what's happened to our good love Sometimes our best isn't quite good enough And the last word in lonesome is me Life is a desert and love quenches

Empty Word Graham Coxon

I could have laughed all night When you said that to me With your mud red eyes looking straight through me Cause Love is such an empty word And life's hollow and absurd And I, I'll just never learn

Thinking About Love 헤피씰

Love is very Powerful thing Every beautiful things we know is built on love Love is a relationship built on a firm foundation Love is what fills the void To be loved is to love someone To be loved

WORD 드렁큰 타이거

ROSCOE) Breaken and graffen rappen and scratchen four elements the fifth is representen it water and sedments the fire from my pan igntes connection with the earth because hip hop is life manifested

Word Ocean Colour Scene

It’s too bad if you hear the word And decide that it’s all too absurd Punch the air and believe it When the crowd cries out its agreement And if I get to heaven tomorrow I will that it’s time I just

Grease Frankie Valli

I saw my problems and I'll see the light We got a lovin' thing, we gotta feed it right There ain't no danger we can go too far We start believin' now that we can be who we are - grease is the word

Grease (Reprise) Frankie Valli

I saw my problems and I'll see the light We got a lovin' thing, we gotta feed it right There ain't no danger we can go too far We start believin' now that we can be who we are - grease is the word They

Grease (그리스) Cast

I saw my problems and I'll see the light We got a lovin' thing, we gotta feed it right There ain't no danger we can go too far We start believin' now that we can be who we are grease is the word They think

Grease (영화 '그리스') Various Artists

I saw my problems and I'll see the light We got a lovin' thing, we gotta feed it right There ain't no danger we can go too far We start believin' now that we can be who we are grease is the word They think

Happy Is A Yuppie Word Switchfoot

end Happy is a yuppie word Nothing in the world could fail me now It's empty as an argument I'm running down a life that won't cash out (cash out) Everything fails Everything runs it's course

Grease 그리스

It's just a cryin' shame Their lips are lyin', only real is real We stop the fight right now, we got to be what we feel - grease is the word (Grease is the word, is the word that you heard) It's

Grease Bee Gees

the word They think our love is just a growin\' pain Why don\'t they understand?

Grease (Live At The MGM Grand) Bee Gees

word They think our love is just a growin'' pain Why don''t they understand?

New World In Flames

the great word of blessendness and a feeling of ease a cup of the well of freedom and life we joyfully drink inside, all was new, but outwards nothing had changed an escapade, then to the altar

Rescue You Chicago

Say the word and I will rescue you. (Say the word, say the word) Say the word and I will come to rescue you. I could be wrong, but unless I'm mistaken, it's only a matter of time.

Rescue You (2006 Remaster) Chicago

Say the word and I will rescue you. (Say the word, say the word) Say the word and I will come to rescue you. I could be wrong, but unless I'm mistaken, it's only a matter of time.

Boom Word Up w-inds.

앗토 이우마니 호라 Time is up come to the party 손나 쿠리카에시데 와스레 카케테타 We got a dance and music 소우 코레 다케데 come to the party Good enough 세카이와 마타 우고키다스 하즈사 Round and round Okay get down 엔료 난카와 모우 이라나이 코노 테니 톳테 come

WORD blessed.

When you call me 'my love', sweetheart It is warm like a sweater That is harmony, feels so neat My favorite tale ever One day I played you a song And you recognized the sound of my guitar I thought to

love is a better word (white city of light) rainbirds

white city of light you큥e dark in the middle city of dreams i want to hide in your womb white city of light you got me into trouble city of lies you took me for a fool love is a better word

Such is Life NAD

Life doesn't always go as planned. You know that. Never mind. Reality doesn't give me the answer.


Sorrow Sweet Sour Stay Leave On Off Start FIN Love Hate Day Night Old New Happy Sad Always Never Stay Leave On Off Start FIN The times we went through That's how we made time together This is