Stay strong

앨범 : I’ve lost
작사 : 자운
작곡 : 자운
편곡 : 자운

There’s no way back, it’s all too far gone now,
Regrets are pointless, they mean nothing now.
I’ve waited for so long, for this one chance,
How did I fail without even a start?
All the world’s sounds are fading from my ears,
All of the light has disappeared from view.
There’s nothing left to fill my mind right now,
Except the thought to hold on, just endure.
Maybe I should’ve tried to hold on tight,
Begged for one more chance to get it right.
I stood there, staring at that empty stage,
Frozen, lost in time, couldn’t look away.
“Stay strong,” someone said, their voice called out to me,
From the deep darkness, echoing inside.
I wanted to say “Thank you” right then and there,
But instead, my tears fell in reply.
What if I fail again this time around?
Maybe I should just stop before I try.
I don’t know where to start or what to do,
Tell me, what’s the first step I should take?
Thoughts breed more thoughts and they pull me deeper,
I’m curling inward, sinking even more.
I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart,
But still, the shaking won’t leave me alone.
“Stay strong,” someone said, their voice called out to me,
From the deep darkness, echoing inside.
I wanted to say “Thank you” right then and there,
But instead, my tears fell in reply.
Who do I think I am to be so afraid?
Everyone fails, but I hide away.
I’ll swallow down the weak words in my throat,
Somehow, someway, I’ll stand up once again.
“Stay strong,” that voice keeps echoing in my head,
Pulling me back from the edge once again.
It keeps on ringing, won’t let me break down,
Holding me steady when I feel I’m weak.
“Stay strong,” I’ll remember those words every time,
No matter how hard, I’ll fight to survive.
It’s because of you that I’ll make it through,
And somehow, I’ll show the world what I can do.
Maybe you saw me curled up on the ground,
Lost in my fear for far too long somehow.
But I’ll pick myself up, and fight my way through,
And “Thank you” is the least I’ll say to you.
Somehow, someway

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