Deep in the sea,
there is a beautiful kingdom.
En bas, en avant, up, up!
The most beautiful
mermaid princess lives there.
Up, down!
Up, down!
The other side!
Up, down!
Up, down!
Grand battement,
Grand battement,
Let’s travel to the beautiful sea.
Swim, swim, swim, swim.
I want to see the outside world.
Up, up, up,
Have a seat with a good posture.
Wiggle your legs.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!
Swim, swim, swim, swim.
I have beautiful long hair.
Spread your legs.
Port de bras side,
one, two, three, four, five!
Port de bras side,
one, two, three, four, five!
Stand up!
Passé balance,
passé, balance.
Passé, balance,
passé, balance.
Round and round
Round and round
One, two, three,
big jump!
I love you.