“What’s that on your belly?”
“This is a belly button”
“Belly button? What’s that?”
“A belly button is…”
My big belly button
My big belly button
My round belly button
What is a belly button?
Inside mommy’s belly
The umbilical cord
Gives us oxygen
So we can breath
The baby grows
Then it is born
The umbilical cord
Becomes a belly button
My big belly button
My big belly button
From mommy to me
Our umbilical cord
“ And that’s not all”
My big belly button
My big belly button
My long belly button
What is a belly button?
Inside mommy’s belly
The umbilical cord
Gives us nutrients
So we can eat
The baby grows
Then it is born
The umbilical cord
Becomes a belly button
My big belly button
My big belly button
From mommy to me
Our umbilical cord
From mommy to me
Our love the belly button