Cry Baby

The Bonnie Sisters
앨범 : The Rock & Pop Story - The Beginning No.4
Bonnie Sisters
Cry Baby
Cry Baby
Bonnie Sisters
-Words and Music - no credit given on the label
-Source: Original 45 single release: Rainbow 45-328
(Do-wat a-do-wat do-wat a-do-wat)
(Do-wat a-do-wat do-wat a-do-wat)
(Shoobee doobee-wah do-wat be-bobbee bobbee)
(Shoobee doobee-wah do-wat be-bobbee bobbee)
(Shoobee doobee-wah do-wat be-bobbee bobbee)
Cry baby
Cry baby
Cry baby
My baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby
Crying all the time
All the time
Cry baby
Cry baby
My baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby
Crying all the time
All the time
All the time
When the raindrops start to fall
Tears fall from my eyes
Then my heart starts to call
Don't you realize
My baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby
Crying all the time
When the raindrops start to fall
Tears fall from my eyes
Then my heart starts to call
Don't you realize
My baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby (uh-oh)
Is such a cry baby
Crying all the ti-i-i-ime
(You big ole cry baby)
These lyrics were transcribed from the specific recording mentioned above
and do not necessarily correspond with lyrics from other recordings, sheet
music, songbooks or lyrics printed on album jackets.

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