CES English Senior 28


28장   At the restaurant.

Dialogue 1

Waitress : Have you been served?
종업원 : 주문하셨습니까?
Mr. Kim : No.
미스터 김 : 아니오.
Waitress : Then, may I take your order, sir?
종업원 : 그럼, 주문하시겠습니까?
Mr. Kim : Let me see the menu first.
미스터 김 : 먼저 메뉴 판을 볼게요.
Waitress : Here you are, sir.
종업원 : 여기 있어요.
Mr. Kim : Okay.
미스터 김 : 예.
Mr. Kim : Well... what do you recommend?
미스터 김 : 저... 무엇을 추천해 주시겠어요.?
Waitress : Today's special is steak, sir.
종업원 : 오늘 특별 요리는 스테이크입니다.
Mr. Kim : I'd like to have a steak, please.
미스터 김 : 스테이크를 먹기로 하죠.
Waitress : How would you like your steak?
종업원 : 스테이크를 어떻게 해 드릴까요?
Mr. Kim : Medium, please?
미스터 김 : 중간 정도로 구워 주시겠어요?
Waitress : Soup or salad?
종업원 : 수프나 샐러드 중에 어느 것을?
Mr. Kim : Salad with French dressing, please.
미스터 김 : 프렌치 드레싱을 곁들인 샐러드를 주세요.
Waitress : Would you care for anything to drink?
종업원 : 마실 것을 원하세요?
Mr. Kim : No, thanks. Just water will be fine.
미스터 김 : 아니오, 괜찮아요. 물이면 충분해요.

Dialogue 2

Waitress : May I take your order, please?
종업원 : 주문하시겠어요?
Peter : Yes. I'd like a hamburger and French fries, please.
피터 : 예. 햄버거하고 감자 튀김 주세요.
Waitress : All right, and would you like a salad?
종업원 : 알겠습니다. 샐러드를 먹을 건가요?
Peter : Yes, I'll have a small salad.
피터 : 예. 샐러드 작은 것으로 주세요.
Waitress : OK. What kind of dressing would you like?   We have French and Italian dressing.
종업원 : 알겠습니다. 어떤 종류의 드레싱을 원하세요? 프렌치 드레싱과  이탈리안 드레싱 이 있는데요.
Peter : Italian, please.
피터 : 이탈리안 드레싱으로 주세요.
Waitress : And would you like anything to drink?
종업원 : 마실 것을 원하세요?
Peter : I'd like a small Coke, please.
피터 : 콜라 작은 컵으로 주세요.
Waitress : It'll only be a few minutes.
종업원 : 잠깐만 기다리세요.


Waiter : Are you ready to order, Miss?
Nancy : Yes, I'd like spaghetti and French fries.
Waiter : And what would you like, sir?
Peter : I'll have an apple pie and an orange juice.
Waiter : Would you like anything else?
Peter : Not right now, thank you.
Nancy : There's one thing I'd like to make clear before we eat.
Peter : What's that?
Nancy : Let's go Dutch for lunch. I'll pay for my food and you'll pay for yours

28장   발음 클리닉(Pronounciation Clinic)

제8장 have to와 got to의 축약

우리가 자주 쓰는 단어인 '∼해야만 한다.'의 have to는 대부분의 사람들이 잘못 발음하고 있습니다. have to에서 have의 v가 t를 닮아 [f]로 발음되어 have to[해브 터]가 아니라 [해프(_?) 터]로 발음해야 하는데도 여전히 우리나라 영어 학습자들은 [해브 터]로 발음하고 있습니다. 그럼 이 장에서는 이런 have to의 발음을 바로잡고 got to의 축약형 gotta에 대해서 학습하겠습니다. 먼저 긴 발음과 축약된 발음을 들어보세요.

long : have to (해브 투) -> short : have to (해프(_?) 터)
long : has to (해즈 투) -> short : has to (해스 터)
long : got to [gat tu] -> short : got to [gatta] -> very short : got to [gara]
(같 투)(가타)(가라)

한 번 따라해 보세요.

long : have to (해브 투) -> short : have to (해프(_?) 터)
long : has to (해즈 투) -> short : has to (해스 터)
long : got to [gat tu] -> short : got to [gatta] -> very short : got to [gara]
(같 투)(가타)(가라)

이제 문장과 함께 연습해 보세요. 먼저 긴 발음과 축약된 발음을 들어 보세요.

long : I have to go now. -> short : I have to go now.
long : You have to rest. -> short : You have to rest.
long : You have to buy a new car. -> short : You have to buy a new car.
long : Do you have to leave now? -> short : Do you have to leave now?
long : Do I have to go with you? -> short : Do I have to go with you?
long : He has to come again. -> short : He has to come again.
long : It has to be you. -> short : It has to be you.
long : I got to go now. -> short : I got to go now.
long : You got to do it. -> short : You got to do it.
long : He's got to rest. -> short : He's got to rest.
이제 한 번 따라해 보세요.

long : I have to go now. -> short : I have to go now.
long : You have to rest. -> short : You have to rest.
long : You have to buy a new car. -> short : You have to buy a new car.
long : Do you have to leave now? -> short : Do you have to leave now?
long : Do I have to go with you? -> short : Do I have to go with you?
long : He has to come again. -> short : He has to come again.
long : It has to be you. -> short : It has to be you.
long : I got to go now. -> short : I got to go now.
long : You got to do it. -> short : You got to do it.
long : He's got to rest. -> short : He's got to rest.

관련 가사

가수 노래제목  
ces CES English Senior 35  
ces CES English Senior 38  
ces CES English Senior 11  
ces CES English Senior 40  
ces CES English Senior 01  
ces CES English Senior 24  
ces CES English Senior 34  
ces CES English Senior 31  
ces CES English Senior 10  
ces CES English Senior 32  

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