Hey, Daddy
I've got a problem
Last night I took my girlfriend
For a ride
And the way she
Touched my hand, Dad
Got this funny feeling deep inside
So I leaned over and I kissed her
Put my arms around her and then
Well she reached up and she slapped me
She said 'You're just like all the other men'
Son, you're talkin' to the wrong man
If you want to know
What girls are all about
You're talkin' to the wrong man
I still ain't got your mama figured out
By the way, Son
I've got a problem
I wonder could you talk with me awhile
See lately, your mama she ignores me
Hardly ever gives me a little smile
So I was thinkin'
Maybe you could show me
The way you younger fellas comb your hair
Think I need to change my style, Son
Could you show me something really cool to wear?
Dad, you're talking to the wrong man
If you want to know
What girls are all about
You're talkin' to the wrong man
Still ain't got my girlfriend figured out
So I guess we'll just go fishin'
Maybe head out to that old golf course today
When our buddies ask us about women
I think I know exactly what we'll say
Boys, you're talking to the wrong men
If you want to know
What girls are all about
You're talkin' to the wrong men
Still ain't got them women figured out
Still ain't got them women figured out